Veal and Sage Saltimbocca Rolls

In Italy, Saltimbocca is a dish that is traditionally made of the tenderest young veal with sage and prosciutto between two escalopes held together with tootpicks and cooked flat. It is also often made into “little birds” by rolling up each escalope that is covered in the best proscuitto and fresh sage leaves. These are cooked in a delicious sauce of dry white wine and … Continue reading Veal and Sage Saltimbocca Rolls

What to Plant in January

The following is a list of vegetables and herbs that  you can plant in January in Sydney, a temperate zone. Just click on the name for the growing guide for each vegetable or herb: Amaranth Beans (dwarf and climbing) Beetroot Carrot Chives Cucumber Eggplant seedlings Kohlrabi Lettuce Marrow Mustard Greens Okra seedlings Parsley Radish Rosella Silverbeet Sunflower Sweet corn Turnip Zucchini Plant of the Month-The … Continue reading What to Plant in January