carrot flower

What to plant in November

The following is a list of things you can plant in November in Sydney, a temperate zone:

  1. Artichokes
  2. Beans, (bush and climbing)
  3. Beetroot
  4. Broccoli
  5. Cabbage
  6. Cape Gooseberry
  7. Capsicum
  8. Carrot
  9. Celery
  10. Cucumber
  11. Eggplant
  12. Jerusalem Artichoke
  13. Lemon Balm
  14. Lettuce
  15. Luffa
  16. Marrow
  17. Okra
  18. Peanut
  19. Pumpkin
  20. Radish
  21. Rocket
  22. Rockmelon
  23. Silverbeet
  24. Spring Onions
  25. Sweet Corn
  26. Tomato
  27. Turnip
  28. Watermelon
  29. Yacon
  30. Zucchini

Flower of the Month – Beautiful Purple Carrot Flowers

carrot flower

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