Fresh Guava with Lime and Sugar

The Guava trees are laden with fruit and the fragrance permeating the house from the harvested pink guavas is amazing.

This is a simple way to enjoy the flavour and freshness of guavas and reap the benefit of their high vitamin C content. In fact, the vitamin C of one guava is equivalent to that of 5 oranges.

IMG_20160409_120551-1 pink guava

Fresh Guava with Lime and Sugar


  • 1/2 Kg Pink Guava
  • 5 tsp heaped sugar, white or raw
  • 1 lime, squeezed


  1. Wash the guavas
  2. Cut the tops and tails from the fruitIMG_20160409_130020-guavas trimmed
  3. Cut the guavas in half
  4. Dice coarsely
  5. Place the pieces in a container (with a lid)
  6. Sprinkle sugar over the fruitIMG_20160409_133138-guavas macerated
  7. Pour the juice of the lime over everything
  8. Combine together well
  9. Cover and leave in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours but overnight would be better to develop the flavours (if you can wait)
  10. Serve for a refreshing dessert

Serves 4

IMG_20141126_102554-Guava flower 1
The beautiful pink guava flower



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